Everyone has times in their lives when they wonder what their purpose in life is. Finding your life's purpose when you're depressed can be difficult. Even if you're feeling down, it's important to take care of yourself. Happiness is the key to living a good life; it is defined by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. As someone who has overcome mental illness, I'll share tips for overcoming obstacles and living a happy life based on my own experience.

Choosing a Healthier Lifestyle

As it turns out, healthy habits make a big difference. Healthy lifestyle is simply doing things that make you happy and make you feel good. Making changes to improve your health can have a positive impact on your body, mind, wallet, and even the environment. Your definition of a healthy lifestyle is whatever you make it. There is nothing you must or must not do to stay healthy. When making changes, start small and identify what makes you feel good and brings you the most happiness.

Finding the Meaning of Your Life

Make a list of the core elements that define you, and then consider the virtues, beliefs, and personality traits that give your life meaning. Ask yourself, "Who am I?" and create a conscious list of what defines you. For example, you may value travel, enjoy painting, or prioritize your family. Remind yourself of the unique roles you play in the lives of others. Break down big, impossible goals into smaller, more manageable ones, and commit to achieving them every day.

Overcoming Obstacles in Life

Although processing traumatic situations can be difficult, viewing trauma in the context of a larger life story can be beneficial. You can find meaning in even the most difficult circumstances in life if you look at pain and tragedy as opportunities to learn and serve others. Finding purpose is especially difficult when everything seems to go wrong or when terrible things happen to good people. You do have the ability to transform pain into something meaningful.

Ensuring the Happiness of Others

Consider how important you are to your family. Try to do a small act of kindness for someone else every chance you get; even the smallest deeds can have a big impact on someone else's life. Try to cultivate compassionate and generous relationships with others, from family to complete strangers, and consider your work a meaningful act of service. Take pride in knowing that your work improves someone's life, solves a problem, or contributes to a better world, no matter what you do for a living.